The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (4)

Help share the message about the imporance of good handwashing behavior. Click the images below to download and print copies of the Have U Washed posters and brochures. Think About It When you... Borrow a pencil Reach for a doorknob Use a computer keyboard or mouse Talk on a phone or cell phone Shake hands, bump fists or high-five Handle a football, basketball, baseball bat or barbell Did the people who touched those items before you have clean hands? Don’t you wish…
December 6, 2018
Clean water is a critical element of cleaning.  The vast majority of water on Earth’s surface, over 96%, is saline water in the oceans (USGS). Which means, even though water is plentiful there are limited resources of fresh water to relay on. Beyond cleaning, we also need water to drink and to grow food. The average household may use 88,000 gallons of water per year (REU2016). Within your home, faucets and clothes washers make up a significant portion of…
December 6, 2018
Handing Germs to Friends is Not a Nice Gesture! It’s important for everyone – especially kids – to be aware that unwashed hands can add up to lots of germs (and illnesses) for family, friends, neighbors – and even unsuspecting strangers! Remind kids of the many people they come in contact with in a given day – such as: Classmates and teachers at school Children they babysit for, or fellow workers at afterschool jobs Friends, families and relatives they visit People they…
December 6, 2018
Hand hygiene education materials for teaching elementary school children when to wash their hands and why it's important. These include digital copies of the storybook and activity book. Learn how a local health department from Susanville, CA worked with a middle school Drama Club to help their community learn about the importance of handwashing!   Storybook   Activity Book
December 6, 2018