The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)

ACI Political Action Committee


The American Cleaning Institute Political Action Committee (ACI PAC) is the only federal PAC exclusively serving the U.S. Cleaning Products Industry. ACI PAC supports ACI’s mission to serve the growth and innovation of the U.S. cleaning products industry by advancing people’s health and quality of life and protecting our planet.

For more information, please contact Doug Troutman at (202) 662-5208 or


Contributions to the American Cleaning Institute PAC (ACI PAC) are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purpose. ACI PAC supports candidates for public office who support the cleaning products industry. Contributions to ACI PAC are strictly voluntary, and you have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal. Any contribution guidelines for giving to ACI PAC are only a suggestion. You may give more or less than the suggested amount. The amount you give, or your decision not to give, will not benefit or disadvantage you in any way. Federal law requires that ACI PAC use its best efforts to collect and report the name, address, occupation, and name of employer of each contributor who gives more than $200 in a calendar year. Contributions from corporations, labor organizations, federal government contractors, and foreign nationals (other than individuals lawfully admitted for permanent residence in U.S.) are prohibited. No person may contribute more than $5,000 to ACI PAC in any calendar year, and all contributions must be made with personal funds and may not be reimbursed or otherwise paid by any other person or entity.


  • About the PAC

    The American Cleaning Institute® (ACI)
    is a trade association of companies dedicated to serving the growth and innovation of the U.S. cleaning products industry by advancing the health and quality of life of people and protecting our planet. ACI achieves this through a continuous commitment to sound science and being a credible voice for the cleaning products industry.

    A Political Action Committee (PAC)
    gives business, trade, and professional associations, as well as labor organizations, a way to pool the resources of their members and employees to support candidates for federal elective office. PACs were first authorized by federal law in the 1970s, and now virtually all trade, professional, and labor organizations have them. ACI PAC advances the goals of the cleaning products industry on Capitol Hill and supports candidates who value our industry.

    ACI PAC’s Purpose
    ACI 's Board of Directors established ACI PAC to support federal candidates for office and facilitate their engagement with ACI members. Our PAC is focused on supporting federal lawmakers who are aligned with our mission and committed to supporting the cleaning products industry.

    ACI PAC's Contribution Guidelines

    Five fast things to know about ACI PAC Contribution Guidelines

    As ACI PAC is a bipartisan, bicameral organization, we work to ensure that ACI PAC contributions also reflect that. Above all, prior to contribution, we prioritize candidate alignment with several factors to ensure maximum impact. These are the top 5 leading factors ACI PAC considers when it comes to making a federal contribution:

    • Alignment on industry-specific and ACI-supported interests.
    • Committee or subcommittee assignment relevance.
      • Emphasis on committee leadership.
    • Represent congressional districts or states with strong constituent ties to ACI.
    • Demonstrated support for ACI or manufacturing interests generally.
    • A strong likelihood of electoral success or plans of political advancement.


  • Getting Involved

    To comply with federal election laws, we are required to obtain permission from ACI member companies before contacting company employees about the PAC. Giving the ACI PAC your prior authorization does not obligate you or anyone in your company to make a financial commitment. It simply gives you and eligible employees in your company the opportunity to learn more about the ACI PAC.

    We invite you to submit the  Prior Authorization Form


    Attend PAC Events

    Join member companies in sharing the industry perspective with elected officials at the ACI Annual Meeting PAC Event.


    Political Engagements

    Throughout the year, ACI is working to educate lawmakers on the importance of the cleaning products industry and its mission to improve health and quality of life.
