The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (104)

5 Industry Leaders Are “Early Adopters” of ACI’s Sustainable Feedstocks Initiative Earlier this year, the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) unveiled its Sustainable Feedstocks Initiative, aimed to drive the use of more sustainable feedstocks in cleaning product ingredients and products throughout the industry. This Initiative, launched with a set of guidance materials, focused on the top raw materials used in cleaning
September 18, 2023
American Cleaning Institute Praises Draft Proposal on Cleaning Product Ingredient Transparency Proposal Would Create National Standard for Cleaning Product Ingredient Labeling On-Pack and Online ACI: “Consumers Have a Right to Know, Understand and Trust” What’s in their Products The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce is discussing a legislative proposal that would establish – for the…
September 27, 2023
Washington, D.C. – February 16, 2018 – The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) issued the following statement in response to research published in the journal Science – and related news coverage – discussing the potential effects of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in consumer products, including cleaning products: "The findings of research on the estimated emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in many…
February 4, 2019
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) hosted its largest Capitol Hill fly-in event on June 14 for member companies to engage with congressional offices on the need to establish a national standard for cleaning product ingredient communication. As consumers seek more information about their cleaning products, a national labeling standard for cleaning product ingredients would ensure this information is…
June 15, 2023
Program Finalized, Speakers Added for ACI Workshop on New Test Methods for Cleaning Product Safety   March 2 Event Brings Together Experts Reviewing Latest In Vitro Methods to Assess Respiratory Irritation Event Registration is Open on ACI’s Website Washington, D.C. – February 16, 2023 – An in-depth agenda has been finalized and new speakers added to the American Cleaning Institute’s (ACI) March 2 workshop, “New Approach Methods (NAMs) for the In Vitro…
January 6, 2023
Report Says Industry Directly Supports 64,000 Jobs Industry’s Upstream, Downstream Impact: $192 Billion Output, 756,000 Jobs Report Available on American Cleaning Institute Website Washington, D.C. – October 1, 2018 – The cleaning products industry has a direct impact on the U.S. economy totaling $59.1 billion, supporting 64,000 jobs and including $8.3 billion of labor compensation, according to a new report released by the American
March 11, 2019
ACI member sustainability challenge contributes to nonprofit bringing clean water into underserved communities For the second year, the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) led social media challenge, ‘Our Future is Clean,’ highlighted the sustainability efforts across the cleaning products industry. The challenge kicked off on September 17 in coordination with Climate Week and ran through October 31. To participate, member companies and their…
November 2, 2023
Association Will More Sharply Focus on Accelerating Supply Chain’s Growth, Game Changing Advancements, Says Melissa Hockstad ACI Convention “State of the Association” Previews ACI Commitments on Advocacy, Science, Sustainability and Outreach Efforts The cleaning product supply chain “will remain essential and resilient even in the storm of a roller coaster economy,” according to the President and CEO of the American Cleaning Institute. Melissa Hockstad, in…
January 26, 2023
Product safety is a key component of product stewardship. In the cleaning product industry, manufacturers need tests to assess the hazards of their products to promote safe and responsible use. In this workshop, we will review in vitro cellular and tissue-based testing methods for respiratory irritation throughout the life cycle of cleaning products, from raw materials, formulation of intermediate and end use products…
January 6, 2023
Check out the highlights of the 2018 ACI Annual Meeting & Industry Convention in video below, produced by Happi.   The ACI Convention, the cleaning product supply chain’s top global business forum, took place January 29-February 2 at the Grande Lakes Orlando.
February 4, 2019