The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (158)

Features CDC Expert Designed to Support Personnel in K-12 Schools and Early Care Education Schools play a central role in slowing the spread of diseases in communities by providing healthy, safe, and supportive learning environments for students. To support these efforts, the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is hosting a webinar covering best practices and key prevention strategies to keep students, staff, and school communities healthy. The free webinar, “Clean Hands and…
July 18, 2022
ACI Launches "Cold Water Saves" Campaign at NC State • Initiative Will Encourage Students to "Be Bold, Go Cold" • Survey Shows 63% of Students Would Be More Likely to Wash in Cold Water After Understanding Benefits Raleigh, North Carolina, November 3, 2016 – The American Cleaning Institute (ACI), in conjunction with The Sustainability Consortium(TSC), is launching the "Cold Water Saves" Campaign on the campus of North Carolina State University…
February 4, 2019
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), keeping hands clean through improved hand hygiene is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others.Because cleaning matters, handwashing in schools has been a priority since 1926 where we focus on behavior, cleaning supplies and education. In September 2011, ACI conducted an online survey of parents and children where we looked at parental influences on children…
February 8, 2019
ACI Statement on FDA Consumer Rule on Antibacterial Soaps Washington, D.C. – September 2, 2016 – The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) released the following statement in response to a final rule issued by the Food and Drug Administration concerning consumer antibacterial soaps and washes: "Consumer antibacterial soaps and washes continue to be safe and effective products for millions of people every single day. "Antibacterial soaps are critical to public health…
February 4, 2019
Download our Safety Poster: Laundry Packets Are for Cleaning Clothes, Not Playing In response to the disturbing trend on the Internet that has been irresponsibly encouraging people to eat or bite into liquid laundry packets, ACI is reminding everyone that liquid laundry packets are only for use in washing machines to clean clothes. Liquid laundry packets are not a toy and should not be used in pranks. Younger children could mimic this irresponsible behavior…
February 4, 2019
Webinar Features Two CDC Experts Designed to Assist School Nurses and Administrators The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is hosting a webinar designed to help school nurses and administrators develop their plans to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19 within school communities, taking into consideration the vital role of hand hygiene, cleaning and disinfecting. The webinar, “Considerations and Guidance for Schools: Hand Hygiene, Cleaning and…
July 29, 2020
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is highlighting updated information on proper reusable bag use and cleaning as more Americans bring their own bags to the store. This comes at a time when eight states have banned disposable bags and some local jurisdictions are charging a fee for their use, encouraging the use of reusable bags. A study from the University of Arizona found that of individuals interviewed who used reusable bags, only 3% of them cleaned their bags on a regular basis and just…
February 24, 2021
'Cold Facts, Fast Cash’ Game Show Highlights Power of Cold Washing Earth Week is April 16 to Earth Day, April 22 The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) launched the ‘Cold Facts, Fast Cash’ game show as part of the Cold Water Saves initiative, a joint effort of ACI and The Sustainability Consortium (TSC) to promote the power of cold water washing. This week marks Earth Week, which is a great time to remind consumers of all the benefits of washing some of our clothes in…
April 17, 2023
In November, ACI met with many of the 1,300 Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Members and Advisers attending FCCLA’s 2017 National Cluster Meeting in Washington, DC. ACI presented a workshop for over 250 attendees and shared hand hygiene educational materials at the exhibit table. The workshop focused the impact that good hand hygiene habits has on student health. It also included information about the Healthy Schools, Healthy People, It’…
February 4, 2019
Hand sanitizers are useful for killing germs, especially when soap and water are not readily available. Here's how to read the label, from ethanol to glycerin, and what to look for.
September 17, 2020