The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (22)

One of the main uses for cleaning products is washing clothes and dishes. Each load of clothes and dishes requires water, and energy is often used to heat that water. While one load of laundry or dishes may seem like a small task, when you consider all the times we run the washing machine or dishwasher in a week and multiply that by all the households doing the same thing, it adds up! The good news is that our washing machines and dishwashers…
February 8, 2019
Clean water is a critical element of cleaning.  The vast majority of water on Earth’s surface, over 96%, is saline water in the oceans (USGS). Which means, even though water is plentiful there are limited resources of fresh water to relay on. Beyond cleaning, we also need water to drink and to grow food. The average household may use 88,000 gallons of water per year (REU2016). Within your home, faucets and clothes washers make up a significant portion of…
December 6, 2018
     Handwashing protects our own health, but also allows us to build our own futures, as well as those of our communities, and the world. October 15 is Global Handwashing Day to increase awareness and understanding about the importance of handwashing. Why Does it Matter Now? One of the most effective ways to stop the…
December 5, 2018
SC Johnson Across the cleaning product supply chain, companies have increased production, adapted manufacturing lines, donated money and resources, and taken extra measures to protect their employees. Here is one such story from SC Johnson. See our full COVID-19 Impact Report for more. When Patrick Harris, Senior Director, R&D at SC Johnson, first sent out a note asking for volunteers to make hand sanitizer for donation to first responders, health…
September 20, 2020
Healthy Schools, Healthy People is a joint initiative of the American Cleaning Institute and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This program seeks to improve hand hygiene habits to help prevent the spread of infectious disease and reduce related absenteeism. From 2003 until 2018, the initiative included a national award program. Previous Award Recipients…
February 8, 2019
Are you looking for ways to reduce energy and save your clothes while doing laundry? Join us for a 30-minute webinar to learn more about the benefits of cold water washing, a sustainable action that greatly benefits the environment with little effort on the individual’s part. Wed, 08/30/2017 - 12:30 Wed, 08/30/2017 - 13:00
February 4, 2019
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is hosting a webinar to discuss best practices and key disease prevention strategies for school administrators, teachers, and parents and caregivers to keep students, staff, and school communities healthy. During the session, CDC expert Vincent Hill, PhD will share information and answer questions about hand hygiene and cleaning and disinfection and discuss solutions to common barriers in schools. The webinar is part of ACI and CDC’s…
August 18, 2021
Hand Hygiene, Cleaning and Disinfection for Reopening This webinar, brought to you by ACI and the Healthy Schools, Healthy People program, is designed to help school nurses and administrators develop their school plan, taking into consideration the vital role of hand hygiene, as well as cleaning and disinfecting, in helping to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 within school communities. Get resources and recommendations…
July 22, 2020
Pilot Chemical Company Across the cleaning product supply chain, companies have increased production, adapted manufacturing lines, donated money and resources, and taken extra measures to protect their employees. Here is one such story from Pilot Chemical Company. See our full COVID-19 Impact Report for more. At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S., Erin Isaacs’s biggest challenge, as Plant Manager of Pilot Chemical Company’s Avenel, New Jersey, plant, was helping…
September 20, 2020
Learn about the challenges schools and families are facing this school year when it comes to staying safe and healthy—and also cleaning, disinfecting and hand hygiene best practices, with actionable advice for school staff and parents. This discussion took place as part of a PTA Learning Lab. It was moderated by Brian Sansoni, Senior Vice President of Communication, Outreach & Membership at the American Cleaning Institute of the American Cleaning…
November 30, 2020