The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (19)

The ingredients in your cleaning products fall into several different categories, added to provide different characteristics and cleaning functions. Each product formula is a careful balance of various ingredients that will work best for what you are trying to clean. For more information about the specific ingredients in a cleaning product, visit the manufacturer's website or look for the product in SmartLabel…
December 5, 2018
People don't typically dispose of cleaning products - they use them up. Empty packages can then be recycled or discarded with other household waste. Unused amounts of cleaning products can generally be safely disposed of down the drain or in the trash. That's not the case with all products found around the home. For those products that do require special handling, such as solvent-…
July 11, 2019
Ingredient labels contain a lot of information. They have a list of ingredients, but they also need room for directions and important safety messages. Smart consumers can get additional information from company websites to find out more about those ingredients, including where they are sourced and the role they play in making that product effective. Learn more about the formulations in your favorite soaps and home cleaning products with these resources from the…
December 14, 2020
“The products and chemistries our industry creates are leading us to a clean and vibrant future.”       - Melissa Hockstad, ACI President & CEO Our Future Is Clean is ACI’s campaign highlighting the cleaning products industry’s efforts toward a clean, sustainable world and to promote consumers’ health and well-being.   ACI is proud to lead an industry movement involving the biggest companies in the cleaning product…
August 21, 2019
Cleaning product packaging is essential for the safe transportation and storage of products. Fortunately, detergent bottles and many other cleaning product containers are designed to be remade. We need your help close the loop, reducing and eventually eliminating packaging waste. Recycling Steps: Consider product packaging when purchasing. Look for packaging made with recycled material or if it’s designed to be refillable. You might also…
July 14, 2022
Cleaning product labels contain more information than ever before. Whatever you want to know about a product can likely be found either printed on the label or by following a link or QR code to additional details online. It is important to read the information on the label before using a product because there are instructions and safety messages to ensure safe and effective use. From directions to ingredients, our resources will help you understand more about what you will find…
February 6, 2021
There are so many cleaning products out there. How do you pick the best one for your and your family? The best cleaning product is the one that will be used, so the most important thing is that it works for what you need it for. If a product isn’t working, try something else. Not sure what to choose? The label has a lot of good information that can help. See our guide on reading a label for more information. One place to look on the label as…
July 22, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic that has swept the world has, in just a few months, changed enormously the way we live, work and play. Routines and habits we once took for granted have had to stop, or have at least been heavily impacted. Personal hygiene and disinfection have been essential to combating COVID-19. Companies had to be creative in finding solutions to problems they never previously faced. ACI is proud of how the cleaning products industry has stepped up by…
September 23, 2020
Understand the language of soaps and detergents. ALCOHOL: A class of organic compounds containing one or more hydroxyl groups. The alcohols used in light duty and liquid laundry detergents are isopropanol or ethanol (ethyl alcohol). These alcohols are used at low levels in liquid detergent formulations to control viscosity, to act as a solvent for other ingredients, and to provide resistance to low and freezing temperatures encountered in shipping, warehousing, and use.  …
January 29, 2019
To be sustainable, we must meet our current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. As an industry, we are striving to optimize use of our planet’s resources across all phases of a product’s lifecycle. In order to achieve this, we must pay particular attention to the water and energy we use and the waste we generate as a result of creating cleaning products. The product packaging is critical in allowing your
February 8, 2019