The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (54)

Laundry Safety Alerts & Icons Education is the key to injury prevention and ACI is working with a variety of organizations who are helping echo our safety messages. You may have noticed that some retailers are posting information near single-load liquid laundry packets on the shelves of your favorite stores to help raise consumer awareness of the safe use of these products. This information is important and should not be ignored when shopping and using these products. Take a moment to…
December 6, 2018
CEO Melissa Hockstad, During “State of the Association” Address, Highlights Key Focus Areas for Cleaning Product Supply Chain 1,4-Dioxane Regulation, Clarity for Topical Antiseptics, New Sustainability Report, Promoting Cleaning is Caring Emphasis on Mental Health Highlighted at ACI Convention Pushing for more rapid reviews of critical and sustainable new chemistries for the cleaning products industry is one of the top imperatives for the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) in 2024, said Melissa…
January 31, 2024
In support of ACI’s purpose to advance the health and quality of life of people and protect our planet, we believe it is necessary to strive for a vibrant and sustainable future. To ACI, a vibrant future is one with: Healthy People Cleaning products help people lead healthier lives Flourishing Planet Nature is valued and all Earth’s inhabitants flourish Thriving Business Businesses are…
December 6, 2018
Computer Cleaning: Hotspots for Germs in the Office Think about all the "public" surfaces you touch on your way to work – railings, door handles, coins and tokens, cash machines, elevator buttons and more. Then, when you get to your destination, washing your hands probably isn't the first thing you do. Instead, you probably grab a cup of coffee and turn on your computer. If you power up before you clean up, all the germs and bacteria that commuted with you are transferred from…
December 6, 2018
Be the Brand’s Madeline Fetterly to Speak at 2024 Convention Session Feb. 1 ACI Convention Set for Jan. 29-Feb. 2, Orlando, FL Join ACI’s Future Leaders Group as they host a forward looking, interactive session with Madeline Fetterly, CEO & Founder, Be the Brand during the 2024 American Cleaning Institute (ACI) Industry Convention. The Be the Brand session will take place February 1 during ACI’s Convention Week, January 29-February 2, 2024, at Grande Lakes Orlando in Orlando,…
November 7, 2023
Washington, D.C. – March 12, 2019 – According to a recent survey by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI), more than 75 percent of American households participate in the annual ritual of spring cleaning. While the primary reasons cited for spring cleaning are to reduce clutter, remove asthma or allergy triggers and prevent the spread of illness, the Packets Up! campaign urges parents and caregivers to consider one additional reason – home safety. This is particularly important for protecting…
March 12, 2019
ACI hosted a free webinar to help you learn about consumer education programs and free resources that are available from American Cleaning Institute.  In less than 30 minutes, our experts will help you get to know ACI. View the November 12, 2015 recording below.What will you learn?The Webinar is useful for existing partners and other organizations that are interested in learning more about ACI's health, hygiene and home safety educational materials as well our national awards programs.…
February 4, 2019
  2015 ACI Survey Finds Many Households Still Improperly Storing Laundry Packets Exposure to liquid laundry packets among young children remains an issue. While ACI’s laundry safety campaign has been making strides to help educate parents and caregivers on how to prevent these accidents, we are still seeing exposures among young children. Proper storage of these liquid laundry packets is essential in preventing accidental exposures. ACI recently conducted a national…
February 8, 2019
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) the trade association for the cleaning products supply chain, announces the appointment of Blake Nanney as Director of Government Affairs. In this role, Nanney will be responsible for the development and implementation of ACI legislative and targeted regulatory policy with respect to federal issues, laws and standards. He will also assist in lobbying on Capitol Hill for key industry objectives. Nanney joins ACI from American Institute of Architects (AIA…
October 17, 2023
Association Will More Sharply Focus on Accelerating Supply Chain’s Growth, Game Changing Advancements, Says Melissa Hockstad ACI Convention “State of the Association” Previews ACI Commitments on Advocacy, Science, Sustainability and Outreach Efforts The cleaning product supply chain “will remain essential and resilient even in the storm of a roller coaster economy,” according to the President and CEO of the American Cleaning Institute. Melissa Hockstad, in presenting her State of the…
January 26, 2023