The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (44)

CEO Melissa Hockstad, During “State of the Association” Address, Highlights Key Focus Areas for Cleaning Product Supply Chain 1,4-Dioxane Regulation, Clarity for Topical Antiseptics, New Sustainability Report, Promoting Cleaning is Caring Emphasis on Mental Health Highlighted at ACI Convention Pushing for more rapid reviews of critical and sustainable new chemistries for the cleaning products industry is one of the top imperatives for the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) in 2024, said Melissa…
January 31, 2024
Computer Cleaning: Hotspots for Germs in the Office Think about all the "public" surfaces you touch on your way to work – railings, door handles, coins and tokens, cash machines, elevator buttons and more. Then, when you get to your destination, washing your hands probably isn't the first thing you do. Instead, you probably grab a cup of coffee and turn on your computer. If you power up before you clean up, all the germs and bacteria that commuted with you are transferred from…
December 6, 2018
Washington, D.C. – March 12, 2019 – According to a recent survey by the American Cleaning Institute (ACI), more than 75 percent of American households participate in the annual ritual of spring cleaning. While the primary reasons cited for spring cleaning are to reduce clutter, remove asthma or allergy triggers and prevent the spread of illness, the Packets Up! campaign urges parents and caregivers to consider one additional reason – home safety. This is particularly important for protecting…
March 12, 2019
ACI Statement on FDA Consumer Rule on Antibacterial Soaps Washington, D.C. – September 2, 2016 – The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) released the following statement in response to a final rule issued by the Food and Drug Administration concerning consumer antibacterial soaps and washes: "Consumer antibacterial soaps and washes continue to be safe and effective products for millions of people every single day. "Antibacterial soaps are critical to public health because of the…
February 4, 2019
ACI hosted a free webinar to help you learn about consumer education programs and free resources that are available from American Cleaning Institute.  In less than 30 minutes, our experts will help you get to know ACI. View the November 12, 2015 recording below.What will you learn?The Webinar is useful for existing partners and other organizations that are interested in learning more about ACI's health, hygiene and home safety educational materials as well our national awards programs.…
February 4, 2019
CEO Melissa Hockstad, During “State of the Association” Address, Highlights Key Focus Areas for Cleaning Product Supply Chain Sustainability Leadership, 1,4-Dioxane Regulation, Clarity for Topical Antiseptics at ACI Mid-Year Meeting ACI Mid-Year Meeting June 10-12 in Arlington, VA Advocating for a fair and equitable legislative and regulatory environment for the cleaning products industry remains one of the top imperatives for the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) in 2024, said Melissa…
June 11, 2024
  2015 ACI Survey Finds Many Households Still Improperly Storing Laundry Packets Exposure to liquid laundry packets among young children remains an issue. While ACI’s laundry safety campaign has been making strides to help educate parents and caregivers on how to prevent these accidents, we are still seeing exposures among young children. Proper storage of these liquid laundry packets is essential in preventing accidental exposures. ACI recently conducted a national…
February 8, 2019
Frequently cleaning your hands can slow the spread of germs. Alcohol based hand sanitizers or gels or antibacterial wipes are useful alternatives if soap and water are not available (for example, when traveling in the car or taxi on the way to a business meeting, before eating an in-flight meal or snack, outdoor work settings, etc.) When Soap & Water are not Available - Use Hand Sanitizer or Hand Wipes Use one or two squirts or pumps of the product. Rub hands together briskly,…
February 8, 2019
The American Cleaning Institute – the trade association for the cleaning products industry – released the following statement in response to irresponsible headlines and stories - attempting to summarize a study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience - that distort the safety and beneficial use of quaternary ammonium compounds: The use of cleaning products, disinfectants and their chemistries contribute to public health in homes, schools, healthcare settings and communities every single…
April 3, 2024
ACI held its 2017 Fall Meeting at its headquarters in Washington DC and hosted 70 registrants from over 35 companies. Recap: Attendees received valuable updates and information about trends taking place in the cleaning product industry, while offering them the opportunity to network and catch up with their fellow industry colleagues.  Standing Committees The 2017 Fall Meeting was held over three days, providing Members with insightful information about ACI’s ongoing work…
February 4, 2019