The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (15)

Parents: 20 Seconds Could Save You or Your Kids Weeks in Bed this Cold & Flu Season Click the image to enlarge We’re already deep into cold and flu season – but it’s never too late to start protecting yourself. Easy step? Keep your hands clean. Consider this: 65% of U.S. parents of children ages 5 and under don’t always wash their hands for at least 20 seconds, according to a new survey by Wakefield Research for the American Cleaning…
February 8, 2019
A STEM classroom activity with an online resource. Have you ever thought about what soap is? This slippery, sudsy stuff we use every day does its job without us thinking much about it. We know it makes the world cleaner but do you know what makes soap soap? If you want to explore these questions, we invite you to check out "Exploration Clean". Exploration Clean is an Interactive Online Resource to help students (and adults) understand the science and engineering…
February 4, 2019
Phosphate Purchase, Mary E., Carol K. Bering, and Anne L. Lyng 1982
February 27, 2019
Don’t let the crafty kid messes add to your stresses. The American Cleaning Institute offers these tips for cleaning up after your budding Picasso has finished with arts and crafts. Choose Wisely: Stock your craft closet with washable paints and markers and water-based craft glue. If any of the coloring mediums get on clothes, simply pretreat the stain with a prewash stain remover and toss the soiled items in the wash. Finger Paint Prevention is the key. Use…
December 6, 2018
Writing letters, arts and crafts, homework, making a grocery list … it doesn’t really matter how it got there. But if you take a close look around, you’re bound to find pen, marker, pencil or crayon markings on walls, desks, tables and furniture. Here’s how to remove those stains on a variety of surfaces. Painted Walls and Painted Wood Furniture Test the washability of the surface by first washing an inconspicuous area. Use a nonabrasive, all-purpose cleaner or a wood cleaner…
December 6, 2018
Antimicrobials Kruszewski, F.H. and Krowka, J.F. 2011
February 27, 2019
Surfactants Di Toro, Dominic, M., Laura J. Dodge, Vincent C. Hand 1990
February 27, 2019
Antimicrobials Jones, Rhonda D. 1999
February 27, 2019
Heavy Metals Jenkins, David and Larry L. Russell 1994
February 27, 2019
The American Cleaning Institute suggests these tips for more sustainable and better living: Simply Sustainable Avoid Wasting Product: Read labels and use the recommended amount of cleaning product. Use cleaning products until they are finished, to reduce unnecessary waste. Reduce Water and Energy Used: Turn off the water tap between tasks. When doing your laundry or running the dish washer, wash full loads. Choose a lower water temperature when…
December 5, 2018