The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (4)

Parents: 20 Seconds Could Save You or Your Kids Weeks in Bed this Cold & Flu Season Click the image to enlarge We’re already deep into cold and flu season – but it’s never too late to start protecting yourself. Easy step? Keep your hands clean. Consider this: 65% of U.S. parents of children ages 5 and under don’t always wash their hands for at least 20 seconds, according to a new survey by Wakefield Research for the American Cleaning Institute. Any less than that and…
February 8, 2019
The Issue: Cleaning products are an essential part of keeping our public spaces and homes safe and clean. Consumers want to know what is in these products and how they work to be more confident in their effectiveness. Cleaning product manufacturers are providing more information than ever before about product ingredients to meet that need. They are committed to making cleaning product ingredient information easily accessible and understandable, but more can be done to ensure consistency and…
December 6, 2018
Materiality assessments provide a comprehensive evaluation of the risks and opportunities most significant to a company’s mid- to long-term success. In 2015, ACI became one of the first organizations to perform such an analysis on an industry-wide basis. Doing so has allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of the sustainability issues that matter most to companies and stakeholders. Now we are using this…
December 6, 2018
iSTREEM® is a free, web-based GIS-model that estimates the concentration of  a chemical that go down the drain and residual levels that subsequently enter the aquatic environment. This publicly available tool can be used to enhance researchers’ understanding of water quality by estimating chemical concentrations in wastewater treatment plant effluent, surface waters and at many drinking water intakes at average…
February 4, 2019