The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (2)

Spaghetti sauce splatter on your shirt, wax drips on the table cloth,and wine spots stain the rug, it can and will happen. And why does the bread always fall butter-side down? But, don’t let worrying about a few stains ruin your dinner. ACI has these cleanup tips for after your feast: Tomato Based Stains Remove as much of the…
December 6, 2018
To remove most lipstick stains from napkins, put the napkin stain down on top of a couple layers of paper towel or absorbent towel. Dampen another towel with rubbing alcohol (70 or 90 percent), then dab, dab, dab the stained area. Look underneath and you should see lipstick on the paper towels. Keep at it until all of the stain is gone. Some long-lasting lipsticks may need more work to get off. You also can spritz a prewash spray onto both sides of the fabric, let set for a few minutes to let…
February 8, 2019