The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (3)

Laundry Safety Alerts & Icons Education is the key to injury prevention and ACI is working with a variety of organizations who are helping echo our safety messages. You may have noticed that some retailers are posting information near single-load liquid laundry packets on the shelves of your favorite stores to help raise consumer awareness of the safe use of these products. This information is important and should not be ignored when shopping and using these products. Take a moment to…
December 6, 2018
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is hosting a webinar to discuss best practices and key disease prevention strategies for school administrators, teachers, and parents and caregivers to keep students, staff, and school communities healthy. During the session, CDC expert Vincent Hill, PhD will share information and answer questions about hand hygiene and cleaning and disinfection and discuss solutions to common barriers in schools. The webinar is part of ACI and CDC’s joint initiative,…
August 18, 2021
Think about all the "public" surfaces you touch on your way to work – railings, door handles, coins and tokens, cash machines, elevator buttons and more. Then, when you get to your destination, washing your hands probably isn't the first thing you do. Instead, you probably grab a cup of coffee and turn on your computer. If you power up before you clean up, all the germs and bacteria that commuted with you are transferred from your hands to your workstation. Ugh! And then, if…
February 8, 2019