The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (3)

     Handwashing protects our own health, but also allows us to build our own futures, as well as those of our communities, and the world. October 15 is Global Handwashing Day to increase awareness and understanding about the importance of handwashing. Why Does it Matter Now? One of the most effective ways to stop the…
December 5, 2018
The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) is hosting a webinar to discuss best practices and key disease prevention strategies for school administrators, teachers, and parents and caregivers to keep students, staff, and school communities healthy. During the session, CDC expert Vincent Hill, PhD will share information and answer questions about hand hygiene and cleaning and disinfection and discuss solutions to common barriers in schools. The webinar is part of ACI and CDC’s…
August 18, 2021
This is a Healthy Schools, Healthy People webinar.  This presentation will provide an overview of CDC’s new online training for educators, administrators, and supporting personnel in K-12 schools and early care and education (ECE) settings.  Thu, 08/04/2022 - 15:00 Thu, 08/04/2022 - 16:00
July 21, 2022