The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)

Research Studies

Year Title Chemical Class Subject

SDA Fragrance Subcommittee Report: Industry Surveys Fragrance Sensitization Test Data

Author : R. J. Steltenfamp, K. A. Booman, J. Dorsky, K. Kohrman, A. S. Rothenstein, E. A. Schwoeppe, R. l. Sedlak and G. R. Thompson

Fragrances Toxicity

The Effect of Sediment Organic Carbon on the Toxicity of a Surfactant to Hyalella Azteca

Author : Manuel L. Cano, Scott D. Dyer, and Alvaro J. DeCarvalho

Surfactants Toxicity

Acute Toxicity of Alkylbenzene Sulfonate to Hyalella Azteca in Sediment: Effect of Manipulation of Sediment Organic Content with Humic Acid

Author : SDA

Surfactants Toxicity

Pre-studies with dodecanol (C12OH) for the preparation of a study plan for a Daphnia magna reproduction test (OECD 211)

Author : Schafers, C.

Surfactants Toxicity

Surfactants: A survey of short-term genotoxicity testing

Author : Yam, J., K.A. Booman, W. Broddle, L. Geiger, J.E. Heinze, Y.J. Lin, K. McCarthy, S. Reiss, V. Sawin, R.I. Sedlak, R.S. Slesinski and G.A. Wright

Fragrances Toxicity

Consumer Product Ingestion Study

Author : Intermountain Regional Poison Control Center

Cleaning Products Toxicity

Daphnia magna, reproduction test in closed vessels following OECD 211

Author : SDA

Surfactants Toxicity

Primary Eye Irritation Study of Nonionic Surfactants in Rabbits (Low Volume Procedure)

Author : Steven M. Glaza

Surfactants Toxicity

Alga, Growth Inhibition Test

Author : SDA

Surfactants Toxicity

The toxicology and immunology of detergent enzymes

Author : David Basketter, Ninna Berg, Francis H. Kruszewski, Katherine Sarlo, and Beth Concoby

Enzymes Toxicity