The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (16)

The American Cleaning Institute suggests these tips for more sustainable and better living: Simply Sustainable Avoid Wasting Product: Read labels and use the recommended amount of cleaning product. Use cleaning products until they are finished, to reduce unnecessary waste. Reduce Water and Energy Used: Turn off the water tap between tasks. When doing your laundry or running the dish washer, wash full loads. Choose a lower water temperature when…
December 5, 2018
Antimicrobials Schaffner, Donald W.; Bowman, James P.; English, Donald J.; Fischler, George E.; Fuls, Janice L.; Krowka, John F.; Kruszewski, Francis H. 2014
February 27, 2019
Antimicrobials Charles Haas, Jason Marie, Joan Rose, and Charles Gerba 2005
February 27, 2019
Antimicrobials Lisa J. Yost, Joseph D. Rodricks, Duncan Turnbull, Paul C. DeLeo, J. Frank Nash, Antonio Quiñones-Rivera, Pete A. Carlson. 2016
February 27, 2019