The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (12)

Agency Considers New Regulatory Category for Key Germ Killing Ingredients ACI: FDA May Be Taking “Restrictive Approach” Towards Active Ingredients The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) submitted in-depth data and information to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to update the agency’s review of germ-killing antiseptic hand cleaning products that are widely used in commercial food handling settings.    In July 22 comments submitted to FDA, ACI recommended that the agency align the scope of…
July 24, 2019
Antimicrobials Schaffner, Donald W.; Bowman, James P.; English, Donald J.; Fischler, George E.; Fuls, Janice L.; Krowka, John F.; Kruszewski, Francis H. 2014
February 27, 2019
Antimicrobials Kruszewski, F.H. and Krowka, J.F. 2011
February 27, 2019
Antimicrobials Boyce, J.M., DuPont, H.L., Massaro, J., Sack, D., Schaffner, D.W. 2012
February 27, 2019
Materiality assessments provide a comprehensive evaluation of the risks and opportunities most significant to a company’s mid- to long-term success. In 2015, ACI became one of the first organizations to perform such an analysis on an industry-wide basis. Doing so has allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of the sustainability issues that matter most to companies and stakeholders. Now we are using this…
December 6, 2018
US Consumer Products: Research has demonstrated that a consumer’s attention can be diverted from important use and safety information by too much information on a label. Placement of information regarding all potential hazards posed by a consumer product could contribute to this effect. Furthermore, it was shown that warnings focused on specific hazards that are likely to cause injury to man or the environment enhance consumer and environmental protection.  US Workplace: The American…
December 6, 2018
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is a widely used surfactant in cleaning products, cosmetic, and personal care products. SLS's uses in these products have been thoroughly evaluated and determined to be safe for consumers and the environment. What Is SLS? Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), also known as Sodium dodecyl sulfate, is a…
December 6, 2018
*/ American Cleaning Institute Development of Exposure Assessments Glossary of Functional Classes Abrasive: Abrasive ingredients are materials that are used to polish, buff, or scour away soils such as dirt and dust. Abrasives can be found in many cleaning products including, but not limited to, pot and pan cleaners, hand wash dish detergents, machine dish detergents, and powder laundry detergents. Absorbent: Material used to retain other substances by assimilation.Adhesion promoter: An…
January 29, 2019