The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1230)

The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) has enhanced and expanded its “Exploration Clean” online experience to further help teach middle-school students the science and chemistry behind cleaning. New features include: A new, interactive surfactant game – "Get the Dirt" Updated Science of Soap ebook Ingredients reimagined as Characters of the Cleaning Court This site relaunch is the next step in building…
Whether for move out cleaning or just keeping your place, here are the tasks that should be on your list. Just because you don’t "own" your place doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a regular cleaning routine to keep your environment fresh and in good condition. Cleaning on a regular basis makes the job easier when you do tackle these tasks – and what’s more, keeping your rental in good shape helps ensure that you’ll get your deposit…
Cleaning products play an essential role in our daily lives. Follow these cleaning tips and cleaning advice to safely and effectively removing soils, germs and other contaminants, so that you can stay healthy, care for your home and make your surroundings more enjoyable. Where We Clean Get quick cleaning
For spring cleaning, plan your work, then work your plan. You can tackle your spring cleaning checklist quickly, all at once or in smaller chunks of time. Each of the tasks on our list takes just a few minutes, so you can decide how to break it up. Prep for Spring Cleaning Day(s): Inventory your supplies and add what’s missing to your grocery list Make a to-do list for what you want to clean, then divide it up by task or room Window…
What is soap and how does it work? The sudsy stuff we use every day of our lives is a mystery to most of us. But behind our cleaning products is an array of scientific data and information. This science and chemistry helps to ensure our products work and are safe for you and your family to use. The resources below will walk through what it means to be clean and how the cleaning process works. For more information and…
This tool is an online database that serves as a resource for information related to the safety of ingredients used in household cleaning products. Search About FAQ Resources   #page-wrap { width: 730px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } #all > ul { list-style: none; float: left; width: 174px; height: 88px…
A STEM classroom activity with an online resource. Have you ever thought about what soap is? This slippery, sudsy stuff we use every day does its job without us thinking much about it. We know it makes the world cleaner but do you know what makes soap soap? If you want to explore these questions, we invite you to check out "Exploration Clean". Exploration Clean is an Interactive Online Resource to help students (and adults) understand the science and engineering…
How To Clean to Get Your House Ready for Sale! Tips for Getting It Buyer-Ready When a house is for sale, the goal is to make it as attractive as possible to potential buyers. The most cost-efficient way to spruce up the home is to clean it thoroughly. Here's how to clean your house from top to bottom fast. Getting Rid of Clutter Many potential buyers may not see past dirt and clutter. If the house is crowded with the owner's "stuff," they will assume…
Spring cleaning is a time-honored American household tradition promoting a boosted mood, better focus, and overall relaxation. Go through our resources below and see how to best optimize your cleaning and organization! Spring Cleaning Planning Spring cleaning can be overwhelming unless you go in with a plan. Whether you want to…
Ensuring a safe and clean environment for guests is a matter of having a plan, whether you are cleaning on your own or bringing in a service. Checkout out our top tips for your plan.