The American Cleaning Institute (ACI)


Results (1082)

Washington, DC, June 22, 2016 – The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) released the following statement from Ernie Rosenberg, ACI President & CEO, on President Barack Obama signing into law the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, which modernizes the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA): "Seeing this legislation become the law of the land represents the culmination of an incredible journey…
Chemical management is one of the American Cleaning Institute’s three priority objectives. The policy goal is to ensure legislative and regulatory approaches at the federal and state levels based on risk, and the preservation of members’ ability to innovate and formulate so as to speed product to market.
American Cleaning Institute Statement: New York State Cleaning Product Ingredient Disclosure Regulations Washington, D.C. – April 25, 2017 – The American Cleaning Institute (ACI – released the following statement in response to regulations announced by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation requiring disclosure of chemicals in
Will Represent Cleaning Products Industry on Panel Providing Guidance to Commerce Dept., USTR Kathleen Stanton, Associate Vice President, Technical & International Affairs at the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) has been appointed to the Industry Trade Advisory Committee on Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Health/Science Products and Services (ITAC 3). The Committee provides detailed policy and technical advice, information, and…
American Cleaning Institute Praises Draft Proposal on Cleaning Product Ingredient Transparency Proposal Would Create National Standard for Cleaning Product Ingredient Labeling On-Pack and Online ACI: “Consumers Have a Right to Know, Understand and Trust” What’s in their Products The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce is discussing a legislative proposal that would…
American Cleaning Institute Response to New York State Legislation on Liquid Laundry Packets Bill Unnecessary; Companies Have Made Changes to Reduce Accident Rates   Detergent Manufacturers Are Fully Committed to Reducing Incidents Related to Laundry Packets and  Have Made Significant Changes to the Products and Packaging More than 99% of Liquid Laundry Packets Being Shipped in Compliance With New ASTM Safety Standard …
Issues, Perceptions, Regulations, and Legislation Associated with Cleaning Product Ingredients in Graywater Final Report April 1996 05821-006-001 ISSUES, PERCEPTIONS, REGULATIONS, AND LEGISLATION ASSOCIATED WITH CLEANING PRODUCT INGREDIENTS IN GRAYWATER FINAL REPORT Prepared for: The Soap…
Consumer Product Ingredient Safety C o n su m er P ro d u ct In g red ien t S afety Exposure and Risk Screening Methods for Consumer Product Ingredients 2nd Edition 2nd Edition E xp o su re an d R isk S creen in g M eth o d s fo r C o n su m er P ro d u ct In g red ien ts Consumer Product Ingredient Safety Exposure and Risk Screening Methods for Consumer Product Ingredients Consumer Product…
Consumer Product Ingredient Safety C o n su m er P ro d u ct In g red ien t S afety Exposure and Risk Screening Methods for Consumer Product Ingredients 2nd Edition 2nd Edition E xp o su re an d R isk S creen in g M eth o d s fo r C o n su m er P ro d u ct In g red ien ts Consumer Product Ingredient Safety Exposure and Risk Screening Methods for Consumer Product Ingredients Consumer Product…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Brian Sansoni, American Cleaning Institute, 202.662.2517 or American Cleaning Institute Statement – Bipartisan Agreement to Modernize TSCA Washington, DC, May 19, 2016 – The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) released the following statement from Ernie Rosenberg, ACI President & CEO, on a bipartisan agreement in Congress to enact…